Are you Ready to Declare Your Majesty as a Royal Court Queen?
The Royal Court Mastermind
“Build your dreams or someone
will hire you to build theirs.”
~ Farrah Gray
I know you. You have worked hard your entire life, you’ve accomplished so much, whether it’s in your career, business, or family and yet you still crave more. You’ve done it all right but something inside of you is unfulfilled.
For whatever reason, it’s not enough. And ladies, you are not alone.
I know because I’ve been there. I was that woman who built an $8 million dollar company, had the husband, 3 kids, 2 dogs, and what appeared to be happiness. It looked like I had it all yet. I worked hard to make it look easy yet I was dying inside.
I played by society’s rules and I was burnt out and if you’re here, you may be too.
If this is you, I’d love to invite you to The Queen’s Decree Royal Court Mastermind ~ an intimate group of like-minded badass women helping one another grow and gain the confidence to become Queen of their Life! It’s a confidential, safe space to share your journey, both the wins and challenges, while getting and giving royal support as you do the work to declare your royalty!
Whose dream are you building? Is it yours?
When you own your dream, UNAPOLOGETICALLY,
that’s when you become a Queen.
Welcome to The Queen’s Decree Royal Courts of Sister Queens!!
An exclusive, application only, Mastermind supporting women to design, build, and declare their DREAMS!!!
Join a majestic group of 12 Queens who meet monthly for two hours WITH ME to do a deep dive into building our dreams and our Kingdoms!
Using my V3 model – Values, Vision, and Velocity, we’ll make lasting change in your life, and because you’re going to be meeting other phenomenal Queens, you’ll have a Royal Court of Sister Queens supporting you on your journey!
In every Royal Court gathering, you’ll get to know me and your sister Queens creating lasting friendships and getting the powerful support of other royal women.
Is this program for you? Are you…..
- Ready to invest in the one person who should mean the most to you? That would be you, Queen. It’s your turn!
- In need of a clear VISION for the next phase of your life ~ one that shines with your brightness and all your beautiful badassery?
- Ready to get clarity on what’s most meaningful to you? And live it no matter what the hell anyone else thinks?
- Craving Queen Confidence and eager to show up to life fully AND UNAPOLOGETICALLY?
- Committed to making yourself a priority and invest in self-transformation?
- Ready to create a new group of female friends who share aspirations and dreams and shine one another’s crowns?
- Willing to explore the hard question, “Whose Dream Are You Building?” and boldly declare “MINE”?
If you answered yes to at least one of those questions, this program is for you!
As members of the Queen’s Decree Royal Court, you’ll receive:
- One 2-Hour Facilitated Group Coaching Session each calendar month with me and up to 11 other carefully selected Sister Queens.
- Honest, raw, real conversation and connection with ME and other women ready to drop our filters get real, have less fucks to give, shine our crowns, and declare ourselves QUEEN!
- One 45-minute 1:1 coaching session with me each calendar month (in the full launch, this will be an additional cost).
- Membership in a private WhatsApp community of your Royal Court for 24×7 access to one another for thought partnership and encouragement.
- A signed copy of The Queen’s Decree and the companion Workbook.
- Exclusive discounts and being in the “first-to-know” about upcoming Queen’s Decree workshops and retreats!
- And my promise – your Queen Confidence will be unlike anything you’ve ever had before. Your Inner Queen is ready to rule and we’re going to bring her out front – where she deserves to be!
Your Self-Care Investment
Each Royal Court is limited to 12 Queens so you’ll want to get your application in quickly and take advantage of the significant early bird discount!
The program runs for six months, from January – June meeting on the first or second Monday of each month from 7pm – 9pm EST.
The investment:
- Now through December 9th: $1,800 if paid in full or $399 if paid monthly
- After December 10: $2,500 if paid in full or $499 per month if paid monthly
Step into your royalty supported by The Queen’s Decree Royal Court program. We are building Kingdoms, and we are stronger together. I look forward to spending time with you and your Sister Queens so you can boldly answer the question, “Whose Dream Are you Building?” with Queen Confidence!